GAIMIN: New AI Layer-2 Project Enters GameFi



  • GAIMIN is a new layer 2 built in partnership with BNB Chain and Movement Labs
  • It utilizes a PC GPU network to support intensive processes like video rendering and AI data processing
  • Gamefi has been held back by latency issues on Layer 1’s, Layer 2’s could be the solution

    Game developers building on blockchain have been hindered by slow transactions and high latency that arise from scalability problems on many blockchain infrastructures. These issues are a significant concern for developers transitioning from traditional gaming, as they can lead to increased operational costs and hinder the dynamic gameplay that modern games require.

    GAIMIN, a new Layer-2 network built in partnership with BNB chain and Movement Labs, is designed to provide a smoother experience for both developers and end-users. Layer 2’s enable the development of a wide range of decentralized applications (DApps), including Web3 games, on decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePINs).

    This network of PC-based devices aims to deliver more efficient blockchain transactions and support critical tasks for game development, such as video rendering and artificial intelligence (AI) data processing. The DePIN allows for the creation of networks tailored to different processing requirements, offering varying levels of performance and capacity.

    GAIMIN’s CEO, Martin Speight, said that GAIMIN was established “by gamers, for gamers” with the goal of ensuring “No Gamer Left Behind.” The DePIN is positioned to play a crucial role in the transformation of the gaming industry, facilitating the shift to Web3 gaming.

    Web3 gaming could present a future where fast, immersive experiences are the norm, thanks to the advancements in L2 blockchain technology and the deployment of DePINs like GAIMIN’s

    Avatar Ben Young

